Greetings and Salutations! As this is just the first step in our journey to obtaining the Nirvana that is "Champagne Mommyhood" we spent a great deal of time (a whole 10 minutes!) trying to come up with good pseudonyms simply because we're awesome like that. [Duuuh. WINNING! - Truvy] Being that we're both GRITS (Girls Raised in the South, dontcha know?) our inspiration ended up coming from Steel Magnolias. Are we surprised? [I am a little surprised at you. o.0 But I already knew you rocked so I guess not sooo surprised. Snitch. - Truvy] So without Further Ado (I tend to talk in Capital Letters a lot) I give you....Ouiser (that's me on the left there) and Truvy! (over there on the right) [HI!!!!!!! *waves frantically* - Truvy]
A few weeks ago, I got the bright idea in my head that a book consisting of Mommies Who Are Trying to Save Money would be a good thing. Yeah, books like that are fairly well a dime a dozen, but My Book would be DIFFERENT. I have a sense of humour see? [*humor - Truvy] Well, I was talking to Truvy on Facebook about this and the idea of a book was pushed aside in favor of a blog and Facebook group in which we could combine our creative talents. [The book will come later. We *might* have time when the kids are in college. Ha! - Truvy] Made perfect sense to me seeing as how I've been working on writing a book for well over...well let's just say you'd need both hands...twice over, to count how many years. I have a few in various stages of completion (a book of poetry of all things!) But I digress. As I was saying, I'd been kicking around the idea and that it would include couponing techniques, where to find freebies, Do-It-Yourself projects and all around 'tightwaddery'. [*Like* - Truvy] And a healthy dash of humour! (yes I'm spelling that correct thank you) [-.- We only drink *sweet* tea, woman. HUMOR. - Truvy] So without further ado, we present for your consumption, Champagne Mommyhood (on a Beer Budget)! *clink*
I happen to LIKE Earl Grey tea thanks :) ---Ouiser
ReplyDeleteSweet tea is best. =p <3 Truvy